Welcome to a New Era in Personality Assessment.

Because you're not just a personality type.

Welcome to Mynd: Your AI guide through Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, Big Five, Attachment Theory, and more. Start with our free, comprehensive, engaging assessments - no strings attached. Then, dive deeper with personalized assessments and AI coaching tailored to your unique pysche. Ready to unlock your mind's full potential?

Start Your Free Journey

Our Secret Sauce - What Makes Mynd Different?

  • We Don't Do Labels, We Do You - For Free

    Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, Big Five, Attachment Styles – we use them all, and you get it all for free. We're not here to slap a label on you and call it a day. We show you how these models blend and interact to shape the unique blueprint of your psyche.

  • AI That Grows With You

    Our AI is like a sponge with a Ph.D. It's constantly learning, evolving, and offering fresh insights as you grow. Start with our free assessments, then unlock deeper insights with our premium AI coaching - it's like having a therapist who never forgets a single detail about you.

  • Strategies Tailored to Your Brain's Wiring

    Forget one-size-fits-all advice. We craft cognitive strategies that actually make sense for your unique mental landscape. Get started with our free insights, then dive deeper with our premium personalized growth paths.

  • Your Own Personal Growth Squad

    Chat with a team of AI coaches, each with their own expertise. Whether you need a productivity guru, a relationship whisperer, or a mindfulness master, we've got you covered. And they're all fluent in your personal cognitive language.

How This Works

Your Journey With Mynd


The Free Deep Dive

Your Personal Growth Squad

Start your journey with our comprehensive, free assessments. We'll explore your Myers-Briggs type, Enneagram (including those juicy subtypes), Big Five traits, and Attachment Style. It's like speed-dating your own psyche, and it won't cost you a dime.

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The Grand Synthesis

Your Personal Growth Squad

After your free deep dives, let our AI work its magic. Engage in a fascinating conversation about your unique life story, and watch as we craft your personalized "Book of You". It's an amalgamation of all your assessments, woven with your personal experiences, creating an unprecedented insight into what makes you tick. Plus, get a tailor-made growth path that's as unique as your fingerprint. It's like having a roadmap to your best self, drawn by an AI cartographer who knows every nook and cranny of your psyche.

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Meet Your AI Coaches

Your Personal Growth Squad

Ready to go deeper? This is where things get really exciting. Unlock access to our suite of AI coaches, each with their own personality and area of expertise. Use your credits for career advice, relationship guidance, or help with personal growth. It's like having a team of world-class experts in your pocket, minus the ego and hourly rates.

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The Never-Ending Story

Your Personal Growth Squad

The more you interact with Mynd, the more it learns about you. Each conversation with an AI coach, each additional assessment you take, feeds into a constantly evolving understanding of you. It's like having a team of therapists and coaches who never forget a single detail about you – and never get tired of your stories.

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Dive Even Deeper

Your Personal Growth Squad

Ready to explore specific areas of your life? Our premium deep-dive assessments let you do just that. Use your credits to unlock hyper-personalized insights tailored to your unique situation. It's like having a customized workshop for every aspect of your life.

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Let's Talk AccuracyBecause We're Kind of Obsessed -

Look, I'll be honest – I've always felt that most personality tests out there were missing something. That's why I created Mynd. We've harnessed the power of AI to create an assessment system so advanced, it would have been impossible just a few years ago. And the best part? This groundbreaking accuracy is available for free.

  • AI-Enhanced Interconnectivity: Every answer you give influences how the system interprets every other question. It's like a web of understanding that grows more intricate with each response, creating a holistic view of your personality that's far beyond simple question-and-answer.
  • Multidimensional Analysis: Our AI doesn't just look at isolated answers. It considers how each response relates to personality types, individual cognitive functions, and their positions in cognitive function stacks. It's a level of complexity that would require a team of computer scientists and typology experts to even begin approaching.
  • Adaptive Intelligence: Particularly in our Enneagram test, the assessment adapts as you progress, tailoring subsequent questions based on your previous answers. It's like having a conversation with an AI that deeply understands personality theory.
  • Comprehensive Verification: We don't just give you a result and send you on your way. Our tests include a thorough verification phase to ensure you've landed on the right type. No more second-guessing or uncertainty.

Is it perfect? No system is. But, thanks to AI-assisted development, I've created something that pushes the boundaries of what's possible in personality assessment. I've invested significant resources to make these free tests far more nuanced, accurate, and advanced than anything else out there. My goal was to ensure everyone has access to an incredibly accurate assessment before they even consider purchasing anything. That's my commitment to you – start with confidence, then decide if you want to dive deeper.

Data Privacy - Your Mind is Precious. We Treat It That Way.

I'm going to be blunt here: I hate the idea of companies selling personal data. It feels wrong on so many levels. So here's my pledge to you, whether you're a free user or a premium member:

  • Your Data is Yours: Period. We'll never sell it, share it, or use it for anything other than improving your experience. Not even if Zuckerberg himself comes knocking. This applies to both our free and premium users.
  • Top-Notch Security: Mynd uses industry-standard encryption for all users, free and premium alike. I'm actively looking for brilliant minds to help make our security absolutely top-notch. (Seriously, if you're a security expert, let's talk. I'll buy the coffee.)
  • Exploring Decentralization: I'm exploring options like blockchain to decentralize data storage for all our users. It's complex, but I believe it's worth it for your privacy. Because your thoughts shouldn't be stored in some tech giant's server farm.
  • Full Control: You have full control, regardless of whether you're using our free or premium features. Delete your data anytime, no questions asked. It's your mind, after all.

Is this overkill? Maybe. But your mind is precious, and I want you to feel 100% comfortable exploring it with us, whether you're using our free assessments or diving deep with our premium features. Think of us as the digital equivalent of a Swiss bank vault, but for your thoughts.

Founder's Vision - Why I Created Mynd

(And Why It's More Than Just Another App)

Hey, Will here. I want to get real with you for a moment.

I've spent years honing a diverse set of skills - from programming complex systems to producing music and videos, from optimizing physical health through bodybuilding to engineering cutting-edge AI solutions. Each of these pursuits has been fascinating and valuable in its own right. But you know what? The most transformative skill I've developed, hands down, is understanding how my own mind works.

Why? Because understanding your mind - truly, deeply understanding it - is like getting the user manual for your own brain. It impacts everything. How you learn, how you relate to others, how you approach challenges, how you experience joy. Everything.

This deep dive into cognitive functions and psychological models hasn't just been personally enlightening - it's supercharged my other skills too. Take AI engineering, for instance. My understanding of human cognition has allowed me to push the boundaries of what's possible with Language Models, creating personalized outputs that are truly mind-blowing. It's like I've found the Rosetta Stone for translating between human thought and artificial intelligence.

But here's the thing: gaining this level of self-awareness typically requires years of study, therapy, and frankly, a level of obsession that most people don't have the time or inclination for. I get it. Not everyone can (or should) spend years diving into cognitive functions and personality models.

That's why I created Mynd. It's not just another personality test or self-help app. It's a tool designed to give you the kind of deep, nuanced self-understanding that I've found so incredibly valuable, but in a fraction of the time and effort it took me to get there.

And it's not just about personal growth (although that's a huge part of it). I genuinely believe that if we could raise the collective self-awareness of humanity, we'd make far wiser choices as a species. As we develop AI systems that may soon surpass us intellectually, our wisdom - our ability to make sound, empathetic, far-sighted decisions - becomes more crucial than ever.

Is Mynd going to solve all the world's problems? Of course not. But if it can help people understand themselves better, if it can foster greater empathy and self-awareness, if it can contribute even a little bit to wiser decision-making... well, that's a vision I'm willing to pour my heart and soul into.

This isn't just a business for me. It's not even just a passion project. It's my attempt to contribute something genuinely meaningful to the world. To take the insights that have been so transformative in my own life and make them accessible to anyone willing to embark on this journey of self-discovery.

So if you're ready to dive deep, to see yourself in a whole new light, to start a journey that could transform not just your life but potentially contribute to a wiser, more self-aware world... well, I'd be honored to be part of that journey with you.

Will, Founder of Mynd

Let's explore your mind together. Who knows? We might just change the world in the process.

- Will, Founder of Mynd

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Mynd different from other personality tests?
What do I get with the free version of Mynd?
How does the credit system work?
What are the different subscription tiers?
What can I do with credits?
How accurate are the free assessments?
How is AI used in Mynd's assessments?

Ready to Uncover Your Mynd?

Let's be real for a second. We're not promising to solve all your problems or turn you into some enlightened superhuman overnight. What we are offering is a deep, nuanced understanding of how your mind works – the kind of insight that can transform how you approach your life, your relationships, and your personal growth.

And the best part? You can start this journey for free.

This isn't just another personality test. It's the beginning of a journey into the most fascinating landscape you'll ever explore – your own mind. Start with our free, AI-enhanced assessments, and if you're ready to go deeper, our premium features await.

So, what do you say? Ready to meet the most interesting person you'll ever know – yourself?

Start Your Free Journey