About Mynd - More Than Just Another Personality Test

Look, I'll be straight with you – Mynd isn't just another app or personality quiz. It's my attempt to make something genuinely useful out of all this personality psychology stuff.

I created Mynd because I believe that understanding yourself – really, truly understanding yourself – is incredibly powerful. But let's face it, most of the tools out there are either too simplistic to be useful or so complex that you need a psychology degree to understand them.

My goal with Mynd is to bridge that gap. To take all these complex psychological models and make them accessible and actually useful in your everyday life. And yeah, I'm using AI to do a lot of the heavy lifting, because let's be honest, AI is pretty darn good at handling complex information.

Obsessed Founder
Personality Insights
AI-Powered Coaching

The Vision - Why Mynd Exists

Personality psychology has the potential to be a game-changer for how we understand ourselves and others. But right now? It's either oversimplified to the point of being useless, or so complex that you need a Ph.D. to understand it. That's where Mynd comes in.

  • Making it Accessible: I've leveraged AI to do the heavy lifting, so you can get deep insights without needing to become a psychology nerd (unless you want to, in which case, welcome to the club!).
  • Keeping it Real: No pseudoscience, no oversimplification. Just the good stuff, presented in a way that actually makes sense and is useful in your daily life.
  • Constantly Evolving: By integrating multiple models and using cutting-edge AI, Mynd grows and adapts with you. It's like having a personality expert in your pocket who actually remembers everything about you.

A Bit About Me

Hey, I'm Will.

Founder of Mynd, AI enthusiast, and self-proclaimed cognitive function nerd. I'm on a mission to revolutionize how we understand ourselves and each other. But how did I get here? Well, that's a story of obsession, self-discovery, and a lot of personality quizzes.

Fair warning: what follows is my journey to becoming the personality-obsessed founder you see today. Feel free to skip if you're not into origin stories, but if you're curious about how a shy, homeschooled kid ended up creating an AI-powered personality platform, read on!

Picture this: a shy, nerdy kid from Calgary, Canada, obsessed with video games and – brace yourself for peak nerdiness – RPG Maker. (If you know, you know. If you don't, just imagine the nerdiest hobby possible, then multiply it by ten.) That was me. Growing up homeschooled as the middle child of five, I always set an impossibly high bar for myself. Little did I know, this tendency would shape my entire journey.

My life has been a series of obsessions, each one teaching me something crucial. It started with bodybuilding at 12 (thanks, Mom and Dad, for the health kick). This wasn't just about muscles; it was my first taste of the power of self-improvement. Suddenly, I could change things about myself through sheer will and effort. Mind-blowing stuff for a kid.

As I grew older, these obsessions evolved. I tackled social skills with the same intensity I'd applied to bodybuilding. I dove into software engineering, became a consultant, and even tried my hand at music and video production. Each phase taught me something new, but I always felt there was something more.

A stint of world travel opened my eyes to the power of providing value in unconventional ways. This lesson proved invaluable when I joined The Knowledge Society (TKS), a startup focused on nurturing bright young minds to solve global problems. It was meaningful work, but I struggled with a puzzling sense of apathy.

This internal conflict led me down the rabbit hole of personality psychology. I'd taken a Myers-Briggs test years before, but this time was different. I dove deep into cognitive functions, and suddenly, the world made sense in a way it never had before. I wasn't just learning about myself; I was discovering a tool that could profoundly impact others.

The turning point came during one incredible week. I had five separate conversations with TKS students, each diving deep into their personality types and cognitive functions. What floored me was that all five, unprompted, messaged me later saying it was the most impactful conversation of their lives. That's when it hit me: this knowledge was too powerful to keep to myself.

But here was the problem: existing personality resources were either dry academic tomes or oversimplified pop quizzes. I knew we could do better. We had to do better.

Enter Mynd. It's the culmination of every skill I've honed, every lesson I've learned. It's my attempt to democratize this life-changing knowledge, to make it accessible and engaging for everyone. With the rise of AI, we have an unprecedented opportunity to tailor this knowledge to each individual's unique cognitive wiring.

Mynd isn't just another app or personality test. It's a mission to give everyone the insights and tools to understand themselves deeply. Because I believe that when we truly understand ourselves, we can change our lives – and maybe even the world.

Dive Deeper into Personality Psychology

Want to geek out a bit more? Check out these articles where I break down some of the cool stuff I've learned about personality psychology.

The Enneagram: Unveiling the Core of Human Motivation

Explore how Mynd uses the ancient wisdom of the Enneagram to provide deep insights into your core motivations and behavior patterns.

EnneagramPersonality TheoryMotivationSelf-Discovery
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The Big Five (OCEAN): Charting the Tides of Your Personality

Discover how Mynd uses the scientifically-backed Big Five model to provide a comprehensive snapshot of your current personality expression.

Big FiveSelf-Awareness
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